How to Find a Local Escort in a Legal (and Safe) Way
If you’re trying to figure out how to find a local escort then don’t skip this guide. Hiring an escort can be a pain and get you into a lot of legal trouble if you don’t do it the right way!
Simply put, 99% of escort ads you see on the internet are scammers and people trying to catfish you. Elite escorts generally don’t hang out on internet forums and don’t need to advertise themselves on cheap dating websites.
Since the business works on discretion and privacy, the only way to find high-class escorts is through people who work in the industry behind closed doors.
How to Find an Escort Near Me?
Escorting is a fully legal business because it’s totally different from prostitution. How is it different you might ask? Prostitutes are obligated to provide sexual services to you because you paid. Escorts, on the other hand, can walk out anytime they want if they don’t feel like spending time with you.
A legal contract with an escort binds her to visit you and spend time with you as a professional but cannot be forced to provide sexual favors. That would be human trafficking. So if you’re looking for the best way to find a local escort, you should NOT go to websites or ads that even remotely look like prostitution.
Real escorts don’t promise sexual services and don’t post naked photos of themselves online for everyone to see (they only share such photos with favorite clients). It’s a business of privacy and strict discretion for all parties involved.
What’s the Best Way to Find a Local Escort?
The best way to hire an escort in your area is to work with a VIP escorting agency. A reputable agency like Emerans can contact escorts on your behalf and schedule meetings based on whatever plans you have in mind.
High-class escorts generally get a lot of attention and their inbox is usually flooded with messages. They usually don’t take on new clients because they already have other men taking care of their needs.
However, they are also on the lookout for high-value men to please and serve. Clients who work with Emerans get to join the International Gentlemen’s Club and we give you full access to our catalog of super models who secretly work as escorts.
Here’s how you can hire a gorgeous escort in 4 steps:
1. Go to the Emeran’s Catalog
Visit our catalog and use search filters to define “your type”. This includes hair color, race, nationality, height, and much more. The catalog gets regularly updated with verified super model accounts and has high definition photos of every escort. Once you find the girl you like, save her name or URL.
Remember: even if she’s located in a different country, we can still have her flown to you. Feel free to pick any escort from the catalog.
2. Get in Touch with Your Manager
We assign a dedicated manager to every gentleman looking to book a meeting with an escort. Your manager will contact you directly via a medium of your choice after you become a VIP.
Share the following details with your manager to get started:
- Profile’s ID or profile URLs of your favorite girls from the catalog
- Your location: we can send escorts to you no matter where you are in the world.
- Your plans: are you planning to hire an escort to accompany you on vacation or just looking to spend a nice evening at a hotel? Minimum bookings are usually 3 hours long.
Other than that, we also take care of flight bookings and we even offer hotel concierge services. All you need to do is to show up at the meeting and we’ll take care of the rest.
3. Show Up
That’s it!
We’ll make sure to send the girl to your location on time. All you need to do is show up and dress well for the big day. Be sure to dress to impress, groom yourself, and avoid drinking too much at the occasion.
Escorts are really good at keeping the conversations alive and showing their clients a really good time. Each moment is memorable, so try not to get tipsy!
More Tips
Here are some tips on how you should prepare for the big day (and also other things to keep in mind):
Escorts are not prostitutes
A lot of men don’t know this but escorts are not prostitutes. Prostitutes are paid to perform sexual services and favors in exchange for money. The scope of the transaction is strictly limited to sex and nothing more. And most importantly, a prostitute can’t say no to sex or any kind of favor because she’s bound by the transaction.
That’s why prostitution is considered human trafficking and is illegal in most countries in the world (including USA). Escorts on the other hand are not obligated to have sex with you. They are paid to come spend time with you, to make appearances (since they’re extremely beautiful), and to give a full Girlfriend Experience (GFE). To learn more about how escorts are different from prostitutes, read this article.
It’s absolutely vital to treat an escort with care and respect so you can enjoy yourself. Her job is to please and serve you but she can’t do that if she’s not comfortable around you. Remember - you make her job harder by being unpleasant and that only wastes your time and money.
Be yourself and relax
Men are always responsible for keeping the women happy at any kind of date or meeting. With an escort, you can switch your brain off and let her do the talking. So just relax and don’t worry about making appearances. She’s already yours for the evening.
A lot of clients try to get the escort drunk “to get lucky” since that’s what they’re used to doing in real-life. At a meeting with an escort, you don’t need to drink or to get her drunk to have a good time.
She’s a professional and knows how to serve your needs without getting drunk. Moreover, she’s been to many such meetings before and if you try to get her drunk, she will sense it.
This will make her feel unsafe and will be extremely off-putting.
Look your best
Shower, clip your nails, groom your parts, and make sure your breath doesn’t smell (especially if you plan on leaning in for a kiss). Remember - she can serve you a whole lot better if she likes you and is physically attracted to you.
A meeting with an escort is not a typical hump and dump episode. A lot of high value men hire escorts because they know how to be submissive and they understand every man’s deepest emotional needs.
She will take the interaction seriously and do everything to show you a good time. That’s why it’s important that you do your part by looking good and treating her with respect so you can truly experience a deep, strong emotional connection.
Is It Really Legal to Hire an Escort?
Yes - it’s 100% legal to hire an escort if certain preconditions are met.
- The escort is not entering into a prostitution agreement.
- This means that she’s not being paid to have sex.
- You cannot ask for sexual services by offering money or anything of value (that would label you a human trafficker).
- Exchange of money should be done properly, with proper documentation and payment methods in place.
- Both people should consent to the meeting.
- If the relationship between the client and escort advances, it will be out of mutual consent.
Read more here: Debunking the Myth: Are Escort Services Legal?
A lot of prostitutions rings and low-class escorts scam clients by making them get into illegal arrangements. They later sue to make easy money and to damage the client’s reputation with no remorse.
“Consent” can be subjective, it can be withdrawn at any time, and it’s very hard to define it unless certain safeguards are in place beforehand. In a lot of cases, low-class escorts could misuse their rights and put your life in jeopardy.
That’s why it’s important to work only with elite escorts who have a very standard of professionalism and privacy (a lot of these women have husbands and boyfriends themselves). These women didn’t become escorts out of necessity but because of their innate passion to serve wealthy men.
We work with exactly these kinds of women and have maintained close contact with some of the most gorgeous, seasoned escorts. By working with a reputable agency like Emerans, you get the assurance of working only with professionals without risking your privacy and reputation.
Well, that’s that. Hiring an escort is easy if done through a reputable agency but can really cause you a lot of trouble if you try to do it on your own.
The amount of risk you take becomes even greater if you have a reputation to save (or a marriage to keep) that’s why you should let the professionals handle the legwork so you don’t create any paper trail. We value your privacy just as much as you do, promise.
Emerans is a premium escort agency offering a selection of gorgeous fashion models and luxury companions, many of whom secretly work as escorts.
We have an entire catalog of top supermodels who are on a hunt for wealthy men to serve. If you’re looking for proper premium service and an unforgettable girlfriend experience, reach out to us and we’ll help you get started.
Explore our full catalog of escort models here.